Diagnostic Tests

The Inmunotek Skin Prick Test range comprises over 160 different allergens, which are all supplied in 2.5ml vials. For more information, please click here…
Skin Prick Tests
Skin Prick Tests are the standard in vivo test used by Allergists and some other Health Care Providers to identify the substances to which a patient is allergic. Whether it is inhaled allergens such as grass pollens or House Dust Mites, or ingested allergens such as foods, or some other allergens such as latex or some drugs, etc. With this technique a small drop of a solution containing the named allergen is placed on the forearm of the patient, usually in a series of several, up to perhaps 25 different allergens, and a small prick is made through the drop of allergen into the superficial dermis of the patient’s forearm. If the patient is indeed sensitised to that allergen then a raised wheal and a red flare will develop for a few mm or cm around the test site, after approx 5 to 10 minutes. This reaction and the accompanying itching will subside naturally over 5 to 10 minutes.
For the public wanting further clinical information please research online from authoritative sources, or consult your Allergy Specialist.
For Health Care Professionals wanting further technical information on the Skin Prick Test solutions manufactured by Inmunotek of Spain and by Diater of Spain, and made available in UK and Ireland from Bio-Diagnostics Ltd, please contact Bio-Diagnostics.
Intra-Dermal Skin Tests
Whilst the Skin Prick Test is the standard in vivo diagnostic test used to identify allergens to which a patient may be sensitised, there are occasions when the Allergy Specialist will wish to utilise the Intra-Derma Skin Test due to its inherent greater sensitivity.
For the public wanting further clinical information please research online from authoritative sources, or consult your Allergy Specialist.
For Health Care Professionals wanting further technical information on the Intra-Dermal Skin Test solutions manufactured by Inmunotek of Spain and made available in UK and Ireland from Bio-Diagnostics Ltd, please contact Bio-Diagnostics.
Nasal Provocation Tests
In special clinical cases the Allergy Specialist or Respiratory Specialist may wish to challenge the patient by the administration of the suspected problem inhalant allergen to the nasal mucosa of the patient.
For the public wanting further clinical information please research online from authoritative sources, or consult your Allergy Specialist.
For Health Care Professionals wanting further technical information on the Nasal Provocation Test solutions manufactured by Inmunotek of Spain and made available in UK and Ireland from Bio-Diagnostics Ltd, please contact Bio-Diagnostics.